Tuesday, May 28, 2013

If you could be anything

Today's suggestion is "If you could do or be anything in the world, what would you be?"

The answer is really the reason I started this blog -- I dream of being a textile designer. Though I've chosen a more practical (and still very satisfying) career in computer science, I like that I can be creative in my free time.  There's an online printing service called Spoonflower that actually will print my designs on fabric, wallpaper, or giftwrap. All I have to do is make the images tile, and choose from their printable colors. I ordered fabric swatches and their handy color guide to get started:

Tonight I transformed the water pattern into a Spoonflower-ready pattern. I picked blue 00FFD4.

I have to proof my patterns before they are available for purchase. I plan to add the rest of the Elements collection in the coming week.

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